Can you hear me screaming over this uber cool Epi Airscreamer guitar? Where has it been all my life?! What traveling balladeer wouldn't love to have one, this perfect marriage of classic symbols of American wanderlust and freedom? I'm really trying hard to put the brakes on my urge to buy one for my hubby's growing guitar collection. I keep imagining him serenading our friends, Stella glowing in the grass on some silvery full-moon night with this guitar in his hands. It's a mighty pretty picture.
The Airscreamer trail led to another happy surprise; the incredibly funtabulous, pompadour-wearing, Antsy McClain. The Airscreamer is the official artist's signature model for Antsy and his band, the Trailer Park Troubadours (and I am their newest groupee wannabe). The band has been described as "glorifying the trailer lifestyle" and their song list includes, "I Live in Aluminum" and "It Ain't Home 'Til the Wheels Comes Off." I am itching in my cowboy boots to dance at their party! Be sure to visit their website for a full dose of Antsy McClain brand fun. The only disappointment was not finding a schedule of upcoming shows, but I'll keep checking, because the next time they're in my neck of the trailer park, I'm THERE.
Here's a link for you that will show you more than 500 Airstream rallies all across North America...
Posted by: Leo G | January 18, 2009 at 10:54 PM